Famous Men You'd Want To Have A Beer With

Ariel Kana
Updated August 16, 2024 469.8K views 384 items
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2.1M votes
75.7K voters
224 reranks
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Which famous man - dead or alive - would you most want to chat with over a beer?
Latest additions: Matthew McConaughey
Most divisive: Daniel Radcliffe
Over 75.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Famous Men You'd Want To Have A Beer With

If given the opportunity to sit down for a beer with any famous male figure, which famous men would you most want to get a drink with? Similar to the list of celebrity women you'd want to have a drink with you're not picking these guys because you want to get them drunk and see where the night goes.  You're choosing who out of all the interesting famous people on the planet would be your ultimate pick to grab a beer with -- famous actors, directors, politicians, athletes, and even billionaires could all be great choices. (If the celeb you most want to hang out with doesn't drink, that's cool. They can order a non-alcoholic beer!)

You have to consider, when picking who you'd want at the barstool next to you, the things you're going to talk about, likability, things you would have in common (do you like the same sports teams, movies, food are you from the same state), fun personality, most down to earth and who would make the best drinking buddy.  Do not focus solely on looks.

This list of cool famous men ranges from politicians like Bill Clinton, comedic actors like Bill Murray and Will Ferrell who you're sure to be thoroughly entertained by and have some good laughs with, record breaking athletes and notorious Hollywood bad boys like Colin Farrell.   

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