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Weird As Hell Steven Tyler Stories You Probably Don't Even Want To Know
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He Said He And Joe Perry Got Crabs Together During A 4-Way
Tyler and Aerosmith lead guitarist Joe Perry have toured the world together since 1970. According to Tyler's 2012 memoir, they've had the opportunity to share many intimate moments, such as when they got an STI together in a foursome.
“I remember one night on the road when Joe and I were sharing a bed with two girls and woke up in the morning with a seafood blue plate special... Crabs for everybody!”
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At 27, He Convinced The Parents Of His 16-Year-Old Girlfriend To Sign Over Guardianship Of Her
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In 1975, 27-year-old Steven Tyler lived with 16-year-old groupie Julia Holcomb. To get around legal problems, Tyler convinced Holocomb's mother to sign over guardianship of her teenage daughter to him. He and Holcomb lived together for a while; their relationship fell apart after she got pregnant and had an abortion. At that point, Holcomb moved back in with her parents.
In a May 2011 interview, Tyler said the abortion caused a personal downward spiral. The singer talked about the abortion in the 2012 book Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith:
It was a big crisis. It’s a major thing when you’re growing something with a woman, but they convinced us that it would never work out and would ruin our lives. ... You go to the doctor and they put the needle in her belly and they squeeze the stuff in and you watch. ... I was pretty devastated. In my mind, I’m going, Jesus, what have I done?
A year before Tyler's account hit book shelves worldwide, Holcomb told her version of the story. She and Tyler were heavy drug users, which they were worried would damage the baby. She was 16 when she became pregnant, and she asserted he coerced her into the abortion, despite her strident assertions she wanted to keep the baby. Of the procedure, she said:
The doctor did not explain what the procedure would be like. Steven watched when the doctor punctured my uterus with a large needle. Then I was taken to a room to wait for the contractions. Steven sat beside me in the hospital until it was over. When the nurse would leave the room he was snorting cocaine on the table beside my bed. He even offered some to me once, but I just turned away, sick inside... Steven watched the baby come out and he told me later, when we were in New Hampshire, that it had been born alive and allowed to die. (I was not allowed to see the baby when it was delivered.) Steven told me later that it had been a boy and that he now felt terrible guilt and a sense of dread over what he had done.
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He Said The Band Avoided Sexual Activity For The Last 10 Days Of Every Tour
In Aerosmith's 2012 autobiography Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith, the band's engineer Rabbit Henson asserted band members were forbidden from receiving oral servicing during the last 10 days of a tour. This was a precaution, to help avoid spreading venereal diseases to their girlfriends at home.
In a 2009 interview, Tyler contradicted Henson's assertion, stating: "You didn't have sex for 10 days at the end of tour, but that was so you'd be sure to go home with a full cup of chowder. If you didn't, you were definitely suspect."
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He Said His First Sexual Experience Happened At Age 7 With French Twins
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Tyler told Elle in 2009 his first sexual experience occurred when he was 7, and it was with French twins he met in a church choir.
They took me home one day, and we had a you-show-me-yours-I'll-show-you-mine session. Isn't that great? You know, I look at their pictures now and think to myself, How much sweeter does it get? And isn't it crazy that my ex-wife Teresa was a twin and my girlfriend now is a twin?
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When He Was 63, He Told A 16-Year-Old She Was Showing Just The Right Amount Of Skin
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Steven Tyler was 63 years old when he started judging on American Idol, and most certainly did not act his age. Late night host Jimmy Kimmel was so amused by Tyler's creepy moments on Idol, he dedicated a bit to it called,"Steven Tyler's Creepy Leer of the Night."
The frontman's creepiest moment came during the audition of 16-year-old Victoria Huggins. Tyler said of her skirt: "Just the right amount showing... that's nice."
Randy Jackson did an awkward please-end-me laugh. Huggins cheerfully replied, "Well, I gotta appeal to the boy audience, but I wanna be a lady."
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According To Tyler, Only One Woman Has Ever Turned Him Down
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- Jessica Harcourt Leary
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Even a rock star as big as Steven Tyler must swing and miss sometimes, right? When asked if any female celebrity shunned his advances, Tyler claimed to have a perfect batting average. "I'm a persistent motherf*cker. I'm very sensual and very rhythm-oriented and into poetry. Women can feel that."
Three years after said interview, Tyler contradicted himself in his memoir. Turns out it takes a rock god to turn down a rock god. Tyler admitted to showing up outside of Joan Jett's hotel room one night, naked.
“I’m not into big 10-inch, honey,” Jett said, referencing the Toys in the Attic cut. She then shut the door on Tyler.
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