15 Anime Universes, Ranked By How Awesome It Would Be To Live In Them

Anna Lindwasser
Updated July 3, 2024 88.2K views 15 items
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Vote up the anime worlds you most want to live in.

There are plenty of reasons to love anime, especially because there are an incredibly diverse range of fantastic universes in which shows can be set. Some of the coolest worlds in anime are so awesome they aren't just entertainment; they're some of the best anime universes to live in.

With so many great choices, it's hard to decide which anime you'd want to live in. There's the ninja world of Naruto, where you can mold chakra to help you fly or shoot flames out of your mouth, and the world of Pokémon, where you can train amazing beasts to do that for you. Not into powers? Try the world of Aria, a futuristic version of Mars that looks like Venice. Tokyo Ghoul is a good choice if you don't mind danger and want to see what it's like to interact with non-human sentient beings. Whatever your preference, there's definitely a show that depicts your version of the best anime to move to for real.

  • Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Or Any Other Region Of The Pokémon World
    • Photo:
      • OLM

    The world of Pokémon is inhabited almost exclusively by creatures called... Pokémon. Species include cute little dog-foxes called Eevees that can evolve into different cute little dog-foxes, with abilities ranging from shooting fire out of their mouths to harnessing the powers of darkness; cats that can magically generate money; birds who are also deities, and more. There are also sentient bags of trash, but that seems like a fair trade off for god-birds and money-cats.

    Not only do these amazing creatures exist, but in the world of Pokémon, you can dedicate your entire life to them. Becoming a Pokémon master is a totally viable career path, one that typically starts when you're 10. If you ignore how wildly dangerous this is and focus on the potential for incredible adventures, this is a fantastic world to live in. After all, the biggest criminal organization in the world, Team Rocket, basically spends most of their time on practicing cool poses. 

    1,997 votes
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    The Hero Academy In My Hero Academia

    The Hero Academy In My Hero Academia
    • Photo:
      • Bones

    In the world of My Hero Academia, nearly everyone is born with a quirk, or a superpower. Quirks range from objectively badass ones like the ability to control fire, to more unusual ones like being a human who can do everything a frog can do. It's possible to be born without a quirk – the protagonist Izuku doesn't have one – but with an 80% rate of quirk occurrence, chances are high you'll have some kind of awesome superpower. If you don't have one, or if yours isn't helpful in combat, there are no shortage of heroes who are ready and willing to protect you from harm. 

    Also, you get to exist in the same universe as All Might, a superhero who is basically Might Guy from Naruto if Might Guy occasionally stopped shouting. Anyone who says they wouldn't want that is lying.

    1,859 votes
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  • The Ninja World Of Naruto
    • Photo:
      • Studio Pierrot

    The ninja world of Naruto is divided up into five different countries: the Land of Fire, the Land of Lightning, the Land of Water, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Earth. Conflicts between these lands are settled by ninja, each region's warrior/ruling class. While there are obviously some major drawbacks to this system, in some ways it's pretty darn cool.

    As a resident of one of these countries, you can become a ninja yourself. This means learning how to control chakra, a form of energy that allows you to defy gravity, clone yourself, control people's bodies with shadows, read minds, breathe fire, and more. Your powers depend on your particular genetic inheritance, but the possibilities are endless, and you never stop learning. If you're not a ninja, life is pretty much the same as it is in the real world, but better. No, really, it might look like Feudal Japan, but in addition to magic and endless amazing ramen bars, they have cell phones and computers and everything.

    1,967 votes
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    The Digital World Of Digimon

    The Digital World Of Digimon
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    In the world of Digimon, creatures called Digimon from the Digital World pair bond with individual human children. While the primary reason for these match-ups is to allow the Digimon to transform into more powerful versions of themselves, there’s a side benefit, too. Many of the Digimon have personalities perfectly calibrated to help their human partner grow into a more powerful version of themselves. Emotionally powerful, that is.

    One great example of this is Gomamon and his human partner, Joe Kido. Joe has overprotective parents who pressure him into becoming a doctor. The poor kid is wracked with anxiety, so much so that it's hard for him to enjoy his life or make good decisions. Meanwhile, his Digimon partner Gomamon is fun-loving and carefree. Gomamon pushes Joe to relax while still respecting the validity of his fears and anxiety.

    There’s also Tentomon, who works tirelessly to get his partner Izzy to get off his computer and interact with other human beings, while still clearly admiring the amazing things the kid can do with said computer. Basically, the Digimon partners are therapists/best friends with superpowers. Who wouldn't want that?

    1,563 votes
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  • Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Domino City
    • Photo:
      • user uploaded image

    In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, all problems can be solved via card games. Not only does this massively simplify things, it also makes it more likely the solution will be a positive one. Why? Because not only does it take intelligence to win a card game as convoluted as Duel Monsters, but the process also forces you to slow down and actually think the problem through. Violent crime would go down, because criminals would be using duel discs instead of guns. Elected officials would be chosen based on how good they are at strategy, instead of how much they look like an anthropomorphic circus peanut. Aside from the societal benefits, who doesn't want to live in a world where your hair can grow out of your head looking like a tri-colored starfish?

    To be fair, some aspects of the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe are pretty terrible. You do not want to be a resident of Satellite in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds, for example, because that means police brutality, poverty, and discrimination. We have that in the real world. But, we can't fix it with card games on motorcycles. 

    1,372 votes
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    The World Of Demi-Humans From Interviews With Monster Girls

    The World Of Demi-Humans From Interviews With Monster Girls
    • Photo:
      • A-1 Pictures

    While some anime fantasy worlds are spectacular, they're also dangerous. Understandably, not everyone wants to deal with constantly risking their lives in exchange for being surrounded by magic. If that's you, but you still want a bit of magic in your world, Interviews With Monster Girls might just be the perfect universe to live in.

    In Interviews With Monster Girls, the world is populated with demi-humans, or, people with mythological attributes. Some demi-humans are vampires, some are snow-women, some are dullahans, and some are succubi. The series implies the existence of other varieties, but those are the only four that appear in the show. Demi-humans have unique abilities and particular struggles related to their natures, but overall, they're just an ordinary part of a world slightly more magical than our own.

    879 votes
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