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Anime Underground
5.4k voters15 Anime Universes, Ranked By How Awesome It Would Be To Live In ThemThere are plenty of reasons to love anime, especially because there are an incredibly diverse range of fantastic universes in whic...
Anime Underground
953 votersThe 15 Best Anime Set In AmericaIt turns out there are some great anime with an American backdrop, but which are really worth your time? This list ranks the best ...
Anime Underground
217 votersThe 20 Best Anime Set In EuropeFor obvious reasons, most anime is set in Japan. However, Japan isn't the only setting that anime creators use. If you're interest...
Anime Underground
559 votersThe 20+ Best Anime That Take Place On TrainsWhen you really think about it, there are actually a lot of good anime that are about trains in one way or another. Whether it's a...
113 voters27 Fantastic Anime Set Outside of JapanWhile it may seem like there aren't many anime that take place outside Japan, there are actually more than you think. Several anim...
9 votersThe 12 Best Anime Set In France, RankedFrance has long been a source of inspiration for countless works of art, and anime is no exception. From the opulent halls of Vers...
7 votersThe Best Anime Set By The Ocean, RankedThe ocean has always held a special allure in anime, offering a stunning backdrop for tales of adventure, growth, and camaraderie....
Anime Underground
5k votersThe 21 Most Dangerous Locations in Anime HistoryEveryone has dreams occasionally of living in a fantasy world, and few outlets provide quite as much fantasy as anime. Anime usual...
1.4k voters14 Locations in Japan You Must Visit If You're An Anime FanIf you give an anime fanatic a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, chances are they will end up in Japan. Japan is the bir...