The Most Delicious Fruits
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The Most Delicious Fruits

Updated January 1, 2025 257.0K views 97 items
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341.8K votes
21.0K voters
42 reranks
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No fruits that are commonly believed to be vegetables, like tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini
Latest additions: Lingonberry, Cloudberry
Most divisive: Grapefruits
Over 21.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Tastiest Fruits

The most delicious fruits are edible, popular and easily accessible fruits. Fruit contains fiber, stimulates memory, has zero cholesterol and is delicious! How can you go wrong? Browse this list of popular fruit and vote for your favorites or take it a step further and rank your own version. If you see a fruit missing, add it!

Fruits are not just good, they are also good for you containing a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and happy. There's a reason why they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" or why someone might recommend drinking orange juice when sick. Apples contain Vitamin A and C, plus a good deal of fiber, great for reducing cholesterol and keeping that digestive tract healthy. Oranges, like other yummy citrus fruits like lemons, limes and grapefruits, contain a boatload of vitamin C, great for the immune system.

But going beyond the health benefits of these best fruits, they're all delicious. What's better than a nice hot day with great summer fruits like watermelon, pineapple and strawberries for an afternoon snack? Bananas are great alone or sliced up in a bowl of cereal. Peaches, raspberries, pears, cherries and blueberries are all awesome too with just enough sweetness to make you forget you're eating healthy foods and enjoying it.

Whichever fruit you think is the most delicious, they are all good choices for snacking, adding to a meal or using in other recipes. Choosing nutritious fruits over sugary processed snacks is always a wise decision and with the sweet deliciousness of these best fruits, the choice is easy.

Chances are, almost all of us have a favorite fruit. With so much variety, it's not hard to find a top choice on this list. Still, it's hard to deny that certain fruits win any popularity contest hands down. Many of the top choices are also some of the best summer fruits to keep around: watermelon, strawberries, pineapples and peaches. In season, these fruits are almost impossible to resist. Of course, some great fruits can be found year-round in many areas, so fruit lovers are never without a favorite snack. Apples, bananas, pomegranates and oranges are almost always available, for example.

And in terms of sheer health benefits, a lot of the fruits listed here are about way more than good taste. Some, like blueberries, grapes and apples, also double as some of the healthiest superfoods around, supplying essential nutrients that help our bodies run at optimum level. It also doesn't hurt that some of the best fruits are also among the best healthy snacks for kids. Don't believe it? Cut up a variety of some of these great fruits and see how fast they get consumed by the kiddos!
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