Celebs Caught Behaving Badly on Planes

Celebs Caught Behaving Badly on Planes

Alby Thompson
Updated March 18, 2020 110.6K views 17 items

Celebrities are not known for being patient - and they probably didn't get famous for being nice. So, not surprisingly, this list of celebrities who have been kicked off planes isn't short. No, it's a nice fat list chock-full of examples of celebs going totally rogue and then getting themselves thrown off of flights (not in mid-air, though the crew probably thought about it), apprehended in airports, and slammed in the media by those who witnessed their obnoxious behavior firsthand.

Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can act like a jerk, and as this list shows us, there are consequences. Behold, stars who have been thrown off of flights, thrown in the slammer, and even thrown right under the bus by celebrity gossip mongers.