Pretty Good World War II Movies

Pretty Good World War II Movies

Aaron Edwards
Updated July 10, 2024 106.9K views 19 items
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Vote up the pretty good World War II movies you're most likely to recommend to friends.

WWII has been mined so aggressively by filmmakers you'd expect the mine to have collapsed and been deemed unsafe for human habitation decades ago. Yet, WWII was so extensive, involved so many countries, continents, and people, and so thoroughly impacted the shaping of contemporary global society, the pull of its tractor beam is impossible to resist for those on the prowl for potent human drama. You've no doubt seen the cream of the crop of WWII movies, pictures like The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Guns of the Navarone, The Great Escape, Open City, Saving Private Ryan, The Human Condition, and Army of Shadows. If you're hankering for more but aren't sure where to start, take a look at the pretty good WWII movies on this list. 

Lesser-known WWII movies aren't necessarily bad movies. There are plenty of classic Japanese WWII movies you've never seen simply because you may not seek out old Japanese movies (check out The Burmese Harp and Fires on the Plain). So don't immediately dismiss some of the forgotten WWII movies on this list just because you've never heard of them. They're all decent WWII movies, despite middling reputations and a distinct lack of cultural capital. If you've seen the classics and need a few more WWII movies worth seeing on your to-watch list, this list's for you.